Fallon Sports Helps!
Just wanted you to remind you that we are here to help identify and pursue the best colleges nationwide, for you.
Communicate: Make sure you communicate with your us your target schools, who has been contacting you as well as your summer schedules, etc. We want to be sure we are completely organized on top of everything before the busy summer hits. We keep everything posted on our wall in our office that we look at everyday, so if you let us know we can share with all the college coaches that call into our office, text or email us.
College Search: Be sure you research specific information on every college that is following you on Field Level and that is on your "Recruiting Board" - check out such things as school size, tuition, major, location, and more. Be sure you know who the coaching staff is so you aren't caught off guard when they call or text you. Remember that this is your life and thus your college search, we are continuously putting your information out there as well as talking to coaches everyday but in every case they'll be talking with you (not me). Be prepared! The more you know about them the better!
Recruiting Board: This is our suggestion of colleges that should be on your Target Lists. Use it as a tool that is REAL - this list is created and shaped on our discussions with these specific college coaches as well as our evaluations of you. Recommendations: We continually recommend you to coaches but if there are some colleges who you have not heard from or are not on your Field Level - then let us know and we can reach out to these coaches.
Things to Consider - A college program is run by that specific coaching staff, so if they have viewed your profile, video and even come to see you play and they have not acted ... what do you think that means? Don't think, well I didn't have my best day or that if they just see me again, they'll like me. Be real and be honest with every stage of this process, we, at Fallon Sports will. Remember that everything that we do comes from a good place and is shared because we want you to succeed not only through the recruiting process but in college and life. We are here to set you up to succeed, don't be misled down the wrong path - stay focused on your plan, keep your eye on the ball and know it (college & college baseball) is worth it!