SAT/ACT Prep Courses
In today's high priced world of education and the college recruiting process, Fallon Sports continues to try to find good people working with good companies that offer an affordable option for a service that is needed within this process. With Haley's SAT and Tara Mayole, in 2006, I found this service within the SAT/ACT prep arena. Haley's is an affordable way to increase your test scores and Tara is someone you can always count on to be available for rock solid advice within the realm of the SAT and ACT tests.
They offer a seminar format that is a commitment to two Saturdays:
-Boot Camp on 1st Saturday 9am - 2pm
- 2nd Saturday is open review from 9am - 12pm
They do not exceed 10 students during any class and the small group size is important to the success of students.
The majority of students, approximately 95% at last review increased at least 50 points all the way up to 300 points based on previous PSAT or SAT scores. It must be emphasized that their prep class is the beginning of the process, not the end. It is the student's responsibility to complete all individualized follow up assignments and post their work to the appropriate teacher. Teaching, follow up, evaluation and assessment are all essential components of learning, but student health, confidence and attitude are also key elements to success. We address the "whole" student. Please note, this Prep Course, aka Boot Camp is designed for average to above average students. We will recommend other programs for struggling students.
The next class will be held October 14th/October 28th, to prepare for the November 4 SAT exam.
For more information email or call Tara Mayole, M.A. Ed, Director of Haley’s Educational Services @ 602 390-8173
Note: Tara Mayole holds a Bachelor Degree in Education from A.S.U. and a Masters Degree in Education/Leadership from N.A.U. She has taught elementary students for 14 years, high school students for SAT Prep for 12+ years, was a faculty member with The University of Phoenix where she taught curriculum evaluation and assessment, instructional strategies and leadership courses. She is presently retired from being a principal of 9 years at a K-8 school, She was previously a K-6 Curriculum Director and a 7th-12th grade administrator.