Message to Non Members

Today is August 6 and for many the new school year begins this week. What does this mean with regard to recruiting? College coaches are back from a busy summer of travel and recruiting. They are hooking back up with other members of their coaching staff and working out their recruiting needs for your graduating class, creating schedules and making plans to go see potential players for their programs. It's a very important time to get engaged into the recruiting process and get your name involved in the conversation with coaches nationwide. If you sit and do nothing – nothing will happen. If you work with a national recruiting service with a cool website, your name will look cool up there (in your eyes) but really isn’t that effective and certainly not proactive. If you are just waiting for the fall to “be seen”, think of this … at the Fall Classic there may be 300 college coaches there with there watching 80 teams with an average of 25-30 players per roster – that’s roughly 2,000 different players out there each week. Do you think these coaches will wonder around discovering guys? Of course not! They go with a specific plan of attack that begins this week:
They identify their specific needs (positions, etc)
They identify whether they will seek JC transfers or high school guys for this
They determine who is able to get into their university (academically)
They determine who can actually play at their university by cross checking with coaches, watching videos and communicating specifically with that student athlete
Assuming the player passes that piece of the test, they determine where this player will be playing this fall and try to go see him play
If it’s the fall classic and you are a position player then they find your schedule, your game time, your field number and attend – maybe watching one at bat – if you’re lucky two. If you are a pitcher they sit and watch one inning – if they like they stay for another but that is it
Then, it’s a YES or a NO … and on to another field to watch another guy (that is on their list)
Notice there is no time in this process for stumbling around from field to field hoping to discover a player – DOES NOT HAPPEN – it’s specific to their school, their needs and their plan.
So if you are not involved with or do not get involved with several colleges NOW (and I am talking more than 30 – they just won’t be there later – it’s that simple.
Think about the math … if you have 30 colleges that are on your list that you have identified AND been communicating with, 10 won’t like you, 10 won’t be recruiting your position and 10 might like you – that leaves just a possible 10 – and that is assuming you already are involved with these guys.
So, I am wondering how your college search is going? I am wondering how many college coaches you are communicating with right now? Each year, I work with people who thought they can do it themselves or they hired a very expensive recruiting service who never really gave them the attention they deserved, let’s face it – this is about YOU not them – and your independence from worrying about what to do and when to do it.
Sadly, many people reach out to me in October or November because they feel they missed the boat, don’t have options or realize the expensive service they hired didn’t do what they said they were going to do. The window of opportunity is right now, regardless of year in school THIS is the best time to start to work with me because each college coach is beginning their new year as well – so we all can get on their wave together and ride it out through the fall. For seniors, that leads to a decision, for juniors that leads to options and for sophomores and freshman that leads to knowledge, information and peace of mind that you are head of the game and the opportunity to really get to know college programs and coaches. The stats don’t lie 45% of all Division One commits are first identified in their sophomore year while more than 25% in their freshman year. That is 70% before most of these guys even play a varsity baseball game.
The year is filled with “reality checks” that show you exactly where you are within a specific colleges recruiting process … if you do not know what to look for within these windows you completely miss out. I know these inside and out and right now (July) we are in the midst of a huge one, the next is September and then November. Knowing these and what to do in between all of these is critical to your success and finding the right place for you to continue to play baseball at the next level while earning your degree. What would I do if I were you? Call me, email me, text me … reach out somehow to get started with me or at least to pick my brain. I love talking, texting or writing about the process and am happy to help anyone who has the desire and the ability to play at the college level. Here's why: I can help – it’s what I do
As soon as your register, I am going to walk you through the entire process. I'm going to show you how to go from either no recruitment to full recruitment or take your current recruitment to another level.
Don’t be that person who calls me in November trying to play catch up – that means you had a very stressful fall – this is a fun time – you are getting recruited and going to work on making THE biggest decision of your life to date – don’t mess around with that – call/email or text me.
Or just get started right here