February for Juniors

Now that the high school season is getting set to start, it's time for all juniors to stay focused on your high school program and be the best player and teammate you can possibly be. In addition to this, do not let your grades slack throughout this second semester, finish strong so you won't have to stress as much in your senior year or have any unnecessary pressure on you.
I am in the unique position of hearing everything and yes I do mean everything! On a daily basis, I speak with college coaches, professional scouts, high school coaches, college admissions representatives, mothers, fathers, grandparents, guidance counselors and yes, even students. We all enter the season with great intentions and motivated to help our team win, but many times as the season progresses and playing time does not, parents and students tend to lose their motivation and focus. The thought is how will anyone recruit me if I am not playing, or not playing well or I have even heard that "the coach is playing my son in the wrong position, how will college coaches know that he is a shortstop and not a second baseman." My advice to all of you is to go to school and work hard in the classroom. Go to practice and do your best on the field, be a class act and good teammate in the dugout. These are things that will impress college coaches and admissions representatives. Don't try to cut corners or find ways to cheat the system. Your coach makes the lineup ... PERIOD!
Want to know nine great ways to be sure you are in the lineup every day?
1. Show up
2. Be on time
3. Follow ALL of the rules
4. Be respectful
5. Listen
6. Hustle everywhere
7. Show your passion for the game
8. Outwork everybody
9. Be better than everybody
Notice there is nothing in there that says "have a meeting with your coach to discuss playing time" or make a donation to the baseball program. This relationship with your baseball program should be like a marriage and something where you are in it for better or for worse. It shouldn't be that you will donate money if your son plays or you will only come to games or cheer when your son is playing? I see that all the time and find it very hard to believe ... because when you fast forward that to college, what are you telling the college coach but much more importantly, what are you teaching your child?
General Stuff
Between now and April your college list should begin to take shape and you should soon realize a Top 30 list or with Fallon Sports members we refer to that as your “Target Schools”
Use the internet and research possible colleges for admissions and baseball opportunities.
Financial Aid/Scholarships
Liquidate Custodial Accounts
This applies to families who seek need-based aid, which generally can include anyone with less than about $200,000 of annual family income. Putting money in your child’s name gives a tax advantage, but it is a killer for need-based aid. There are legal ways to spend down custodial accounts on behalf of your child.
Admissions – Getting accepted
PSAT Results
Be sure to evaluate your PSAT results
Prepare for the SAT or ACT
Carve out a little time to take a close look at one or both tests. Depending on your schools calendar, you may have spring break for a little review. If you are thinking about getting a tutor or taking a prep class, ask about the qualifications and experience of the person who will be teaching you.
If you like FREE … try www.number2.com
Choose Your Test Dates
Most juniors take their first SAT in March or May, and their first ACT in April. For baseball players because there will be scheduling conflicts in the spring, now is the option for the SAT and the ACT before the season starts. If you’re applying to highly selective schools, pencil in the SAT Subjects Tests for June.
Many juniors procrastinate when it comes time to register for standardized tests.
Fact: The longer you wait, the less likely you will get your preferred test site if there are space issues.
Fact: If you miss the deadline, which is about thirty-five days before each test date, you’ll have to pay a fee for late registration
Registering for the Tests
Go to
www.collegeboard.org to register for the SAT
www.actstudent.org to register for the ACT
Know your test center code
Aside from your personal information, the most important thing to fill out is where you want to take the test.
Each test center has a unique code which you can look up as your register.
Early registrants are most likely to get their first choice.
If you’d like to send your scores to colleges, have a list of them ready.
If you’d like your score sent to the NCAA for the clearinghouse – use code 9999
Keep in mind at the end of the process, you’ll need a credit card number to seal the deal
Get Questions Answered
Your first time taking the SAT test will not be your last, so when you register, pay extra to get copies of the test questions and your answers. You’ll have a much clearer idea of why you scored as you did, and how to prepare for the next time.
This is the last semester that counts in your GPA/class rank … be sure to “Go for it”
When you are applying to colleges if will be the fall/winter of your senior year and the semester grades will not be out yet.
Think about which teachers you will ask to write letters of recommendation.
Baseball side of things
Keep getting better
Good players get more opportunities – never forget to keep getting better
Consider a college summer program. Do your own research but now is the time to get your summer team in order
The summer team should lead to the fall team – as you choose your teams, don’t look at it as if it doesn’t work out we can always change teams. Although this is true, it’s always best to create a strong relationship with one organization and their coaching staff rather than have many programs with coaches who know little about you.
If you have questions on any programs, Jeff is here to help and has been involved in the amateur baseball scene since 1996 – longer than pretty much anyone out there – so don’t hesitate to ask.
If you are a member of Fallon Sports be sure to schedule regular monthly phone calls with Jeff Fallon to make sure your college plan is on track and the plan is moving in the right direction
If you are not a member of Fallon Sports, consider scheduling a phone call with Jeff Fallon to see what your options are and what you should be doing right now – it’s free – if Fallon Sports can help, join us … if not you will be that much more informed on the process.