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Late Summer for Incoming Freshman/Sophomores

Sad to say but players waste a lot of time and money on teams, showcases & camps that will do nothing for them. Here's what one player had to say about Coach Fallon's advice: ------------------------------------- “Coach Fallon really helped me to understand the recruiting process during high school when I knew nothing about it. He helped me pick the right showcases to play in and teams to play for to increase my exposure to the right colleges. He went on to help put me in contact with coaches from each university I was interested in attending. Coach Fallon has a good feel for the D1 coaching scene and has many connections in it that help him to place players in the programs that are the best fit for them.” … Student plays at the University of Oregon

Welcome to a unique phase of life: the college search. Young people are no longer kids but are not quite ready to be full-fledged adults. Parents including many who are accustomed to doing things for their teens must take a step back. Students who have always relied on their parents to clear the way must now step forward and chart their own path.

It’s easier said than done. Any parent can agree to the idea that students should take control but when the chips are down the urge to step in and make sure things are right is overwhelming. On the other hand, students constantly talk about wanting to be on their own but as the college search heats up they often hesitate just long enough to lure mom or dad into coming to the rescue.

The purpose of this email (and really all of my e-mails) is to help students to take charge and parents to understand their vital supporting role. The college search has its share of stress but when things get intense, remember the big picture. It isn’t about playing at Big Name University or carrying on the family tradition. The college search is about launching a young person on the path to success and happiness. As long as families stay grounded in this reality, success is guaranteed.

College seems a world away to most ninth graders. Parents are the ones who see college on the horizon and they inevitably are the first to focus on the college search. Ask yourself this question … Are you going to go to college? If the answer is yes, then why not create a plan to get there now, rather than waiting? The calendar never stops, the sun comes up every day and one in every four future NCAA Division 1 baseball players are first identified in their freshman year of high school … two of the remaining three are identified in their sophomore year … so get crackin’ ... it's not too early ... if anyone ever tells you it's too early, it's time to remove them from your circle of trust because they just don't "get it".

Get a Good Start

  • It’s never too early for a parent to start thinking about the college admissions & recruiting process as long as you don’t make too big a fuss about it. Tread lightly and get informed now before the pressure heats up.

  • Monitor Academic & Athletic Progress

  • Sit down with your son or daughter at the beginning of each grading period and help him/her set realistic academic goals for that term.

  • Sit them down at the four recruiting check points as well.

  • Throughout the year, make sure that you see all progress reports and report cards.


  • Provide encouragement and support and make sure that your son/daughter understands that the freshman year is very important.

  • Work hard in school

  • Ninth grade is the first year that your grades go on your official academic transcript, which is sent to colleges when you apply.

  • Be Realistic

  • Your son might not get into and play for your alma mater. Today’s world is much more competitive, but there are also a lot more great schools today than there were thirty years ago.

  • Meet with your Guidance Counselor

  • The best way to begin to develop a four year plan is to meet with your high school guidance counselor early in your freshman year.

  • He/she can tell you what the requirements are for most colleges.

  • The counselor will also help you come up with a schedule that reflects your interests.

  • Different colleges have different requirements

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