What is a Fallon Sports College Visit?
* FS College Visits are created & available during any team showcase that we offer
* Jeff coordinates campus visits with each college coach
* In accordance with NCAA rules regarding campus visits, eligible players are able to meet with the baseball coach, tour their baseball facilities and spend substantial time with a decision maker at each college that we visit.
* Jeff & Suzanne help each student brainstorm for questions that are directly related to their individual college recruiting plan
* We feel a FS College Visit is a vital piece to your college recruiting plan.

The Fallon Sports College Campus Experience
Jeff Fallon has been on more than 600 college campuses throughout the country ... think about that ....
Campus visits are critical to the recruiting process and choosing which college is right for you. The feeling you have when you arrive on a new campus is important to take note of, sometimes you know this is the right one and other times you know it is not but one thing is for certain, unless you actually get your feet on the campus - you really never know either way. I have witnessed first-hand when a student gets on the campus for the first time and know ... this is the place. While you can find out the basics of what you need to know about a campus via the Internet, until you take a trip to campus, the actual experience is not real. Knowing the journey involved to just arrive at a campus, the feel once you've arrived and the interaction of with people on campus is crucial. The experience is very personal and it is one you definitely need to have experienced before deciding which school is right for you. A campus visit allows you to experience not only the people who are there but the actual learning environment on campus. Seeing the dorm rooms, tasting the food, walking the campus, seeing the facilities, talking with the coach—all these elements are critical to understanding if you will actually be happy once you are there. Here is a normal day in the life of our students on a Fallon Sports led college campus experience.
Travel Day – Airport
Team Van shuttles players to hotel for check-in
Player Orientation
Discussion of week’s activities
General Review of each college scheduled
Guest speaker or activity
Normal College Visit Day
6am Team Breakfast & Day Preview
8am College Visit
12am College Visit (Lunch on campus)
3pm College Visit
8pm Team Dinner & Daily Recap
Normal Game Day
6am Team Breakfast & Day Preview
9am College Visit
12am Lunch on in the college town
3pm Arrive at Field (normal pre-game routine)
5pm Game Time
8pm Team Dinner & Daily Recap (in college town)
Each night we will have a guest speaker who could be a current college coach in the area or a current student-athlete at one of the colleges in that area to discuss their college with us or we will offer an evening activity (Campus event, pro game or something of value with a local flavor)
For players workouts, we are allowed to workout with NAIA or NJCAA colleges but not with NCAA colleges. If the colleges are practicing or scrimmaging we will be able to watch so you can get an idea of the level of talent and the way the coaches conduct their programs
Most college visits include substantial and informative meeting with baseball coach, complete tour of their facilities and ample time to get answers to all of your questions